Zhejiang University Enhances Cultural Exchange and Academic Collaboration During European Visit

The year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic ties and the 75th anniversary of the establishment of China-Hungary diplomatic ties. In an effort to deepen key partnerships with Europe, REN Shaobo, Chairman of the Zhejiang University Council, led a delegation on a strategic visit to France, Hungary, and Sweden between May 12 and 18. This tour yielded notable achievements, such as, the presentation of the Comprehensive Collection of Chinese Ancient Paintings to related universities and institutions, the signing of new rounds of cooperation agreements, and the facilitation of meaningful interactions with Chinese embassies abroad and a broad network of local alumni.

In France, REN Shaobo attended the opening ceremony of the special exhibition featuring Chinese ancient paintings in the Song Dynasty. YI Lianhong, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Hubert Védrine, former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, and LU Shaye, China’s Ambassador to France, delivered speeches. They spoke passionately about leveraging this exhibition as a bridge for cultural exchange and embarking on a new chapter in China-France cultural exchange. In a gesture aimed at forging deeper cooperation in the field of humanities, REN Shaobo presented the Comprehensive Collection of Chinese Ancient Paintings to Marie-Lise Sabrie, Director of the University Library of Languages and Civilizations (BULAC). Sponsored by the Zhejiang Provincial Government and co-organized by Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture, Radio, Television and Toursim and Zhejiang University, the exhibition unveiled nearly 100 high-definition masterpieces crowned as national treasures from the Comprehensive Collection of Chinese Ancient Paintings in the Song Dynasty, showcasing the prosperity and openness of the Song dynasty.

In Hungary, REN Shaobo attended the 20th anniversary of the sister-region bond between China’s Zhejiang Province and Hungary’s Baranya County and presented the Comprehensive Collection of Chinese Ancient Paintings to two esteemed Hungarian institutions: the Eötvös Loránd University and the University of Pécs. In his address, REN Shaobo highlighted the exceptional value of paintings as an artistic treasure, a guardian of Chinese culture, and a cornerstone of human civilization. The Comprehensive Collection of Chinese Ancient Paintings, compiled and published by Zhejiang University in collaboration with the Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, was initiated and supported by President XI Jinping during his leadership in Zhejiang. Encompassing an impressive anthology of 12,405 pieces (sets) from 263 cultural institutions worldwide, this collection is a testament to the rich tapestry of ancient Chinese artistry. Coincident with President XI Jinping’s visit to Hungary, the act of donating these books is a concerted effort to foster cultural exchange, celebrate the time-honored friendship, and solidify reciprocal cooperation between China and Hungary. Attila Miseta, Rector of the University of Pécs, and Imre Hamar, Vice Rector of the Eötvös Loránd University, graciously received the gifts on behalf of their institutions. They expressed their commitment to capitalizing on this treasure trove in empowering teaching, research, and cultural dialogue.

Deepening inter-university cooperation was an important aspect of the European visit. REN Shaobo engaged in productive discussions with Rector László Borhy and Vice Rector Imre Hamar at the Eötvös Loránd University, culminating in the signing of a fresh round of agreement for inter-university cooperation. László Borhy extended a warm welcome to the delegation, recalling his enriching experiences in Hangzhou and Zhejiang University. He stressed the Eötvös Loránd University’s high regard for its partnership with China, particularly its deeply-rooted history in sinological studies, and expressed eagerness to broaden its collaborative ventures with Zhejiang University further. REN Shaobo outlined the prospects of exploring collaboration across fundamental disciplines, humanities, and arts. He highlighted targeted cooperation initiatives including student exchanges, educational engagements, summer programs, and academic symposia, in addition to the joint development of sinology and Chinese language programs. Both parties concurred on the importance of actively furthering the mutual understanding underscored by the leadership of both nations, with the aim of enhancing cooperation in education, culture, and youth. During the visit, the delegation took the opportunity to tour the Eötvös Loránd University Library, closely observing its practices for the preservation and utilization of ancient texts. Additionally, the universities arranged subject-specific academic exchanges in archaeology and mathematics, successfully laying the groundwork for future collaborative efforts.

At the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden, the arrival of REN Shaobo and his delegation was met with the warm hospitality of President Anders Söderholm and Vice President Stefan Östlund. Both parties reflected on two decades of rewarding partnership in leading-edge fields such as energy and optoelectronics. Amid an evolving global landscape, there was a unanimous recognition that academic exchange and mutual learning should steadfastly guide the progress of human society. Looking ahead, both parties looked forward to further integrating their academic prowess and innovative capabilities, exploring the likelihood of enhancing cooperation in undergraduate and doctoral education, sustainable research, and technology transfer — all in pursuit of a profound and enduring academic alliance. During the meeting, REN Shaobo and Anders Söderholm witnessed the renewal of the dual master’s degree joint training agreement between the ZJU College of Energy Engineering and the KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management. The visit also included an insightful tour of the laboratory at the Department of Energy Technology, where the delegation delved into the university’s distinctive approach to fostering scientific ingenuity and excellence in doctoral education.

During the visit, REN Shaobo met with the Chinese ambassadors to Hungary and Sweden, GONG Tao and CUI Aimin, respectively. They held in-depth discussions regarding the ongoing and potential partnerships with Hungary and Sweden in education, science and technology, and culture. GONG Tao conveyed his hope that Zhejiang University will leverage the all-encompassing strategic partnership between China and Hungary in the new era as a springboard for gathering various disciplines, students, and businesses to broaden collaboration with Hungarian academic and research institutions. CUI Aimin lauded the intensified cooperation between Zhejiang University and institutions of tertiary education in Sweden, articulating his anticipation for the university’s sustained pursuit of openings in Sino-Swedish youth exchanges and the symbiotic blend of industry, academia, and research endeavors.

Ren Shaobo and his delegation engaged in productive dialogues with the Zhejiang University alumni communities in France and Sweden. He extended heartfelt greetings and shared his pleasure in learning about their thriving careers abroad. He underscored the remarkable strides Zhejiang University has made in educational quality and international prestige—a feat he attributed to the invaluable contributions of the global alumni network. He conveyed his hope for the continued vigor and commitment of the local alumni associations in nurturing the legacy of the alma mater and encouraging alumni to blend into the fabric of local progress, thereby fostering cross-cultural exchanges and collaborations.

This tour not only honored historical milestones but also paved the way for an enduring legacy of friendship and joint scholarly pursuit between Zhejiang University and its European counterparts.