Zhejiang University Integrates Traditional Chinese Qigong into Graduate Curriculum to Promote Holistic Wellbeing

Zhejiang University, renowned for its innovative educational approaches, has introduced a captivating addition to its graduate-level curriculum – “Chinese Aerobic Qigong – Five Animal Routines”. This unique course exudes the essence of the rich Chinese cultural heritage.

Legend attributes the origin of the Five Animal Routines, a prominent component of traditional Chinese aerobic Qigong, to Hua Tuo, a 2nd century A.D. Chinese physician. Under the guidance of Associate Professor WU Jian, this course instructs students to emulate the movements of five distinct animals: the ferocious tiger, the graceful deer, the sedate bear, the agile ape, and the nimble bird. Prof. Wu emphasizes the importance of precise movements, underscoring that only by mastering them can students truly embody the essence of these animals and fully harness the benefits of the practices.

The advantages of the Five Animal Routines are multifaceted. On the one hand, it enhances core strength, flexibility, and limb agility. On the other, it promotes improved blood circulation and enhance overall physiological functions.

Students who have enrolled in the course express their surprise and satisfaction with the experience. WU Hengxiao from the School of Public Affairs remarked on the unexpected ease and comfort of practicing. “I initially thought I needed to perform them while lying down, but it turned out to be a standing exercise!” Meanwhile, YANG Jing, a graduate student from the School of Medicine, appreciates the weekly sessions as a welcome break from her intensive research, providing much-needed relaxation.

Alongside “Chinese Aerobic Qigong – Five Animal Routines”, Prof. Wu has also launched a course on “Eight Pieces of Brocade (Baduanjin) Qigong” at the Zijingang campus. This course introduces this simple yet effective Qigong routine, providing students with a deeper understanding of China’s traditional fitness culture through a blend of theory and practice.

Zhejiang University’s commitment to enriching the educational experience extends to embracing traditional Chinese sports. From physical education courses to trial classes for the public and even competitions in those sports, the university offers numerous opportunities for students to connect with their rich cultural heritage. The university’s Department of Public Physical and Art Education is at the forefront of promoting traditional Chinese sports on campus, aiming to help more students understand their profound spirit.