Zhejiang University: Teachers’ Day Special: Meet the winners of the Yongping Distinguished Teaching Award

YU Jianxing, Winner of the Yongping Distinguished Teaching Award 2012

“My educational philosophy can be reduced to three sentences. The first is that I should pass love around. What my teachers impressed me the most is their deep love for me, so I want to send my love to my students. When you love a student, he or she will definitely perceive it keenly. Even if you scold him or her severely, he or she will feel loved. The second sentence is that I should have the ability to love. Teachers should be equipped with the ability to love students. As a professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences, I aspire to be a first-class social scholar, which will empower me to love students more deeply. The third sentence is that I should have the ability to foster students’ public and global awareness.”

ZHANG Zhenyue, Winner of the Yongping Distinguished Teaching Award 2013

“The beauty of mathematics can be reflected in many aspects: the rigorousness of concepts, the simplicity and symmetry of formulae, and the aesthetics of logical reasoning. In teaching, we should explore, discover, experience and apply the beauty of knowledge. A great teacher should be a strict father, a loving mother and a close friend. A strict father has the power to make students aware of their responsibility in the future. A loving mother finds pleasure in answering students’ questions and cares for their growth. As close friends, we can communicate with each other with ease.”

YAO Yingying, Winner of the Yongping Distinguished Teaching Award 2013

“I became a teacher because of three ‘mentors’. My elementary school teacher taught me commitment. I learned rigorousness from my supervisor in my postgraduate study. The third is my PhD and postdoctoral supervisor who taught me trust and hope. These three teachers made me realize the standard of being a teacher—love, respect and a sense of responsibility.”

SU Dekuang, Winner of the Yongping Distinguished Teaching Award 2014

“A good teacher should have students’ interests at heart. Not only should teachers impart knowledge, but they should also teach their students how to learn and build their own values and outlooks on life. In my microblog with up to 1.6 million followers, I make friends with students from all over the country, solve their puzzles, forward the groundbreaking achievements and major events of Zhejiang University, promote alumni, and inspire students to strive for excellence.”

WANG Yuefei, Winner of the Yongping Distinguished Teaching Award 2015

“A good teacher should teach students not only necessary skills but also valuable lessons on how to act. We should keep them well-informed about the importance of making choices, telling right from wrong and taking responsible for their own choices. In teaching, I stress two things: choice and perseverance. It is up to students to choose the right path. Teachers should also cultivate students’ persistent determination and single-minded resolution.”

FANG Fumin, Winner of the Yongping Distinguished Teaching Award 2016

“A great teacher has a deep feeling of happiness. Not only do teachers feel happy, but they also make students feel happy in class. In order to derive this kind of happiness, I have been committed to a kind of teaching philosophy that a charming class depends on the fusion of “newness” and “love”. A good teacher should impart new knowledge, experiment with new methods, and expand students’ new horizons. Meanwhile, he should regard teaching as a labor of love and thus dedicate himself to teaching whole-heartedly.”

WENG Kai, Winner of the Yongping Distinguished Teaching Award 2018

“My teaching philosophy is that I should design my teaching activities in a student-oriented manner. With rich experience I accumulated in conventional classes, I started to offer online courses for two reasons. For one thing, I felt that I had something to say to the world and that I wanted to expose more people to knowledge. For another, I was tremendously interested in designing and editing an online course.”

HU Kexian, Winner of the Yongping Distinguished Teaching Award 2020

“My teaching philosophy is to touch the hearts of my students with my commitment, inspire them with my passion and empower them with my energy. Prof. WU Xionghe, my doctoral supervisor, has had a profound impact on me. He is an incredibly accomplished scholar as well as a caring teacher. This is what I aspire to be in my whole life.”

ZHAO Daomu, Winner of the Yongping Distinguished Teaching Award 2020

“My teaching philosophy is to combine basic theories and scientific frontiers, reinforce process-oriented assessment, and ignite students’ passion for knowledge. A great teacher can contribute to students’ sense of attainment and happiness.”