15 projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at USP

Presented by the Social Assistance Superintendence, one of the selected projects will use organic waste to produce energy in an experimental biodigester, which is being finalized at the Energy and Environment Institute – Photo: Disclosure
The Superintendence of Environmental Management (SAG) released the list of the 15 projects selected to promote sustainability on the University’s campuses and contribute to the reduction and compensation of greenhouse gas and pollutant gas emissions.

The total amount of funds invested by SGA is R $ 500 thousand and the maximum amount allocated to each project is R $ 100 thousand, and the proposer must contribute an equal or higher amount. Projects can also count on partnerships and external counterparts. The projects must have a duration of two years, counting from the 2nd of January 2021, and be coordinated by managers of the units or of the prefectures of the campuses.

“The high quality of the proposed projects was not surprising, as SGA had the expectation that awareness of the importance of sustainability already exists among our managers, both within USP and in society in general, but extra motivation was needed to make good ideas in applied work, thus mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to the reduction of the global warming we are experiencing ”, said the superintendent of Environmental Management, Tércio Ambrizzi.

The objective of SGA is to encourage actions that use renewable energy, identify sources of emission of polluting gases, adopt standards of clean technologies and rational consumption.