PetrSU scientists at the conference “Functional grammar: theory and practice”

The conference was attended by about two hundred speakers and guests from different cities of Russia and abroad. At this event, Petrozavodsk State University was represented at the plenary session of the conference by the head of the Russian language department of the Institute of Philology, Doctor of Philology Natalya Viktorovna Patroeva.
At the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after AND I. Yakovlev hosted an all-Russian scientific and practical online conference “Functional grammar: theory and practice” with international participation, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Philology, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Professor Lyudmila Nikolaevna Orkina.

PetrSU spoke at the conference N.V. Patroev, presenting the report “The category of semi-predicativeness and complicating syntagmas from the point of view of functional grammar”.

The report was devoted to the substantiation of the productivity of the concepts “functional-semantic field” and “grammatical unity” used in functional grammar for interpreting the syntactic essence of constructions that complicate the elementary sentence model; in addition, during the report, an analysis of the main properties of a complicated sentence was presented.