CentraleSupélec Launches The Scientific Interest Group (GIS) UQ @ Paris-Saclay


Université Paris-Saclay and its founding establishments, AgroParisTech, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, in partnership with INRAE, CNRS and Inria have announced the launch of a Scientific Interest Group (GIS) for the quantification of uncertainties with EDF R&D, Framatome, CEA, IPFEN, IRT SystemX, ONERA, Airbus, Safran, CERFACS, LNE, as well as Phimeca and Sigma-Clermont.

The field of Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is a young scientific field that has been developing strongly over the past ten years. It aims to characterize the uncertainties inherent in the use of numerical models.

This involves, for example, studying the sensitivity of numerical results to parameter variation, data assimilation, model calibration, optimization of quantities of interest, etc.

These questions are fundamental for the use of a numerical model for prediction or decision purposes. They make use of the most recent developments in statistical modeling and
artificial intelligence. The numerous fields of application are extremely varied.

This GIS aims to structure actions in the field of the quantification of uncertainties, in its theoretical and applied dimensions, at the interface of mathematics, statistics, data science, artificial intelligence, algorithms , modeling of physical, chemical, climatological, biological phenomena, etc.

This initiative will enable the members of the GIS to better coordinate their efforts in this strategic research area, which has major challenges for engineering, the environment and society, and will contribute to the international visibility of French scientific research.

The GIS also aims to create a scientific sector for young researchers and engineers (mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists, etc.) interested in the use of these methods and tools to improve energy management, minimize damage to the environment and protect society from the consequences of these attacks. The GIS will facilitate the setting up of training within the vast perimeter of the University of Paris-Saclay and will promote recruitment among the manufacturers concerned.