CentraleSupélec Launches African Bachelor Of Engineering


The Groupe des Ecoles Centrale has just launched the African Bachelor of Engineering , a new training program offered within the Centrale Casablanca campus .

Download the presentation brochure
This is a post-baccalaureate course coordinated with the International Institute of Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE). Since 1968 serving the training of the elites of the African continent, the 2iE Institute is recognized as being of public utility by the government of Burkina Faso with which it has a headquarters agreement.

This agreement allows the institute to benefit from the privileged status of a diplomatic enclave, which facilitates the reception of students and teacher-researchers from a wide variety of countries.

This innovative governance model brings together all the stakeholders with a view to achieving common objectives: professional integration and the strengthening of innovation and research capacities in Africa. The 2iE engineering diplomas (BAC+5) have been accredited since 2009 by the French Commission for Engineering Qualifications (CTI), labeled EUR-ACE (European Accreditation for Engineering) and recognized by the African and Malagasy Council for Education Upper (CAMS).

Educational objectives of the training:

Train middle managers with a strong international culture capable of responding in an innovative way to the challenges and technical development of their sector of activity, in order to improve their products and services.

With a multidisciplinary scientific, technical and human background, the graduates of the Centrale 2iE African Bachelor of Engineering are operation engineers aware of multidisciplinary and intercultural projects, and endowed with an entrepreneurial spirit and skills in intermediate management in an international context. .