Improving concrete infrastructure
The SmartCrete CRC brings together leading industry, research, agencies and associations from across Australia and internationally to ensure the viability of concrete infrastructure. The CRC will focus on improving costs, applications and durability.
The CRC will also become a catalyst for change in whole-of-life asset management and sustainability of the supply chain, including reducing the construction industry’s carbon footprint.
The initiative is led by Macquarie University. La Trobe University is a core participant and will co-lead the “New Construction and Maintenance Processes” research theme with the University of Newcastle.
La Trobe lead researcher, Professor Paul Pigram, said a team of researchers from physics, chemistry, microbiology, environmental geosciences and engineering will create new materials for concrete durability, new sensor system development and asset management.
“La Trobe’s CRC engagement will be focused on five thematic areas: surface and materials science, sensor development and deployment, microbial interactions, concrete technologies and informatics,” Professor Pigram said.
La Trobe Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Industry Engagement Professor Susan Dodds said: “A key strength of the La Trobe team is the demonstrated integration of experience and skills across discipline boundaries.
“The research will have significant application and impact, creating major opportunities in the concrete sector and transforming the way our cities are constructed,” Professor Dodds said.
In addition to Australian Government funding, the SmartCrete CRC has a commitment for support
from industry, government agencies, peak industry and professional bodies and researchers.