Polytechnic University is getting ready to enroll foreign applicants in a new format

No matter what changes take place in the world, the demand for quality education remains high at all times. The SPbPU Department of International Education is vigorously working on attracting and recruiting applicants from all over the world. This year, the admission campaign for foreign students will be entirely held in a remote format following the pattern for Russian applicants.

Over 1100 international applicants have already filled in their online application forms on the SPbPU website. The utmost interest in our university showed applicants from Turkey, Iran, China, Uzbekistan, India, Turkmenistan, Colombia and Peru; numerous applications also came from Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Cote d’Ivoire and Egypt. Technical specialities, such as civil engineering, heat and power engineering, computer science and computer engineering, proved to be the most popular among the applicants, but the areas of economic and humanitarian area of studies, i.e., management, HR management and foreign regional studies are also quite well-liked.

Foreign applicants will enroll to SPbPU in a remote format

No doubt, the current situation with the pandemic and the closure of borders makes our foreign applicants worry. One of the most common questions they ask is when and in what form will entrance examinations take place? “This year, there is only one format for admission examinations to Polytechnic University: the remote mode. At the moment, the entrance tests are being developed; the actual terms and conditions for their implementation along with detailed instructions for foreign applicants will be published on the website. We will certainly inform our applicants about this via e-mail, through the website and social networks,” commented the head of the SPbPU International Education Office Evgeniya SATALKINA.

Distance exams have considerable advantages. Firstly, foreign applicants can pass entrance tests in a comfortable and familiar home environment. If earlier it was necessary to spend time and finances on the travel, take exams, stay anxious and find out about enrollment only a few days later, now, the applicants will immediately be able to know if they have entered according to the results of distance tests, and prepare documents for their arrival to Polytechnic University as students with confidence and coolness.

“In March, in connection with the pandemic, we registered a decrease in the number of requests and letters; however, in April, applicants got more active, and now, despite the situation in the world, we receive a lot more of filled applications for admission. The reasons that students name when choosing Polytechnic University are the high culture of the country and the prestige of the educational institution itself,” said Evgeniia SUVOROVA, Head of the Admission Office for International Students.