Alexandria University: Alexandria University achieves 15 goals of the United Nations in the British Times Classification of Sustainable Development 2022

Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, stated that the British Times Higher Education Impact classification according to the achievement of the United Nations sustainable development goals for 2022, which are seventeen goals, announced that Alexandria University achieved the position (401-600) among 1406 universities Internationally, they were ranked from more than 85 countries, and the university came locally in fourth place at the level of 36 Egyptian universities. The universities are evaluated, according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), of which there are seventeen goals, and the achievement of the University of Alexandria for 15 of them showed, in detail, ranked (201 – 300) in achieving six goals, which is the fourth goal (Equality in Education). The seventh goal (providing clean and affordable energy), the tenth goal (reducing inequalities), the thirteenth goal (climate action), the fourteenth goal (life under water), and the sixteenth goal (peace, justice and strong institutions The University of Alexandria ranked (301-400) in achieving two goals, namely the second goal (eradication of hunger), and the third goal (good health and well-being), and it ranked (401-600) in achieving four goals, the fifth goal (equality). The ninth goal (industry, innovation and infrastructure), the eleventh goal (sustainable cities and communities), and the twelfth goal (responsible consumption and production), and it ranked (601-800) in achieving two goals, the eighth (decent work and growth of economy), and the seventeenth goal (contracting partnerships to achieve the goals), and it came in (+601) in achieving the first goal (eradicating poverty).