AMU celebrates Independence Day with great fervour
Aligarh: “Our constitution grants equal rights and opportunities to each and everyone, and its democratic and secular principles are to be maintained at all cost”, said AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof. Tariq Mansoor, while addressing a gathering of teachers, students and other staff members at Strachey Hall after hoisting the national flag, marking the 71st Independence Day of India.
Prof. Mansoor said that pluralism, multi-ethnicity and progress of all cultures in India was, in fact, its strength and charisma and every one of us should strive for upholding these principles above all social divisions and limitations.
He said, “Let us take pledge to dedicate ourselves to the service of our country and make it a strong nation”.
Prof. Mansoor said called upon the Aligarians to dedicate themselves to educational development of the Muslim community.
“A proposal has been sent to the Ministry of Human Resource Development ministry for the construction of a Research Scholar Hostel to accommodate 2500 students”, he said declaring that a separate hostel for foreign students will also be constructed to house 500 students.
Prof. Mansoor said that a Sports Hostel is also needed for 200 sportsmen and the University will soon begin its construction.
He sought cooperation of all sections of the university community to materialize the development programmes and take the University to a new height. He expressed happiness on the recent ranking of the University and its various departments and colleges.
Making a reference to the recently released India Today-Nielsen Rankings of India’s higher educational institutions, Prof. Mansoor said that University’s Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College has successfully scaled the upward journey by achieving 8th rank while its Law Faculty has secured second position. Similarly, the Engineering College and the Department of Fine Arts of the University have also attained respectable position by securing the 17th and the 6th positions respectively.
The Vice Chancellor, along with his wife Dr Hameeda Tariq and other University officials, planted saplings at the lawns of Sir Syed Hall South and distributed fruits to the ailing students in the University Health Service.
The Department of Urdu organized a poetic evening on the eve of the Independence Day at the Engineering College auditorium. The Vice Chancellor presided over the Mushaira proceedings while Prof. Syed Mohammad Hashim, Chairman, Department of Urdu welcomed the guests and Prof. Seraj Ajmali conducted the proceedings.