Anganwadi workers in Chhattisgarh distributed ready-to-eat food door-to-door to 24.38 lakh beneficiaries

Raipur: Women and Child Development and Social Welfare Minister Smt. Anila Bhendiya today informed the media representatives, through video conferencing, about welfare steps taken by the government during lockdown period. She informed the media about the departmental steps taken for relief during the Corona outbreak in Chhattisgarh.

Smt. Bhendiya said that from Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel to grassroot workers, everyone is engaged day and night to defeat the problem of corona virus outbreak in the state. Regular monitoring is being done telephonically by Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel. Along with this, the situation is constantly being reviewed by her alongwith departmental secretaries and officers.
Smt. Bhendiya also thanked the media for their active support in dealing with problem of Corona outbreak.

On this occasion, Secretary of Women and Child Development Department Shri Siddharth Komal Singh Pardeshi, Secretary of Social Welfare Department Shri Prasanna R. and Director of Women and Child Development Department Shri Janmejaya Mahobe were also present.

Smt. Bhendiya informed that all Anganwadi and mini Anganwadi centers have been closed from 13 March to prevent and control the infection of Corona virus (Covid-19). Taking care about the nutritional level of children and women during the lockdown period, about 24 lakh 38 thousand beneficiaries of 51 thousand 455 Anganwadi centers were distributed door-to-door nutritious food by the Anganwadi workers.

The take home ration distribution till the month of March has been completed and Take home ration of the month of April is being distributed to the beneficiaries.

Under the Mukhyamantri Suposhan Abhiyan, arrangements have been made to distribute dry ration to the beneficiaries in place of cooked food. 3 lakh 34 thousand 630 beneficiaries have been provided dry ration till March.

Smt. Bhendiya informed that arrangements have been made through digital platform for early childhood care and education of children. It is also necessary to inform the parents about the accurate development of children. Therefore, through video of Balgeet, story and poems in Chhattisgarhi dialect, the Anganwadi worker are making everyone aware by reaching from home to home. Along with this, Anganwadi workers are also informing the people about the prevention of corona infection going home to home. The health of children and pregnant mothers are also being taken care of by the Anganwadi workers in collaboration with the Health Department. Beneficiaries have been benefited under the Pradhan Mantri Matravandana Yojana during the lockdown period. Since January this year, a total of Rs 20.69 crore has been paid to 28 thousand 606 beneficiaries. Smt Bhendiya said that necessary instructions have been given for prevention of corona virus infection in Swadhar Grih, District Homes, Working Women Hostel, Nari Niketan and Shelter Homes operated by the department for mentally ill women.

Smt. Bhendiya informed that Sakhi One Stop Center and Women Helpline 181 are continuously counselling women and resolving complaints by being active 24 hours in Chhattisgarh, during the lockdown. Since January 2020, out of 838 cases registered in Sakhi centers, 732 cases have been resolved and 485 women have been provided shelter. Smt. Bhendiya said that women self-help groups in the state have assisted in making large quantities of masks and sanitizers during the corona crisis. Efforts are being done for providing commercial support to these women in the future.

Smt. Bhendiya said that under the social assistance program to provide relief during lockdown, 19 lakh 85 thousand beneficiaries have been paid the pension amount up to March 2020 immediately. Additional relief amount will be distributed soon to the beneficiaries of National Social Assistance Program.

Smt. Bhendiya said that during lockdown, proper arrangements have been made for the health and safety of total 904 beneficiaries including 252 children in institutions run by the Social Welfare Department, 496 old people in old age homes, 127 Divyang in Gharaunda and 29 beneficiaries in the prashamak grih. Organizations have been provided masks and sanitizers and arrangements have been made for regular cleanliness and medical tests. Institutions are being regularly sanitized and regular health check-ups of the elderly are being done. Instructions have been given to establish separate isolation wards in old age homes. The entry of outsiders into old age homes is prohibited. The department is providing necessary assistance, food and dry ration by reaching out to the differently abled, destitute, third gender persons, beggars and other needy in collaboration with social institutions and district administration. Cooked food is being delivered to more than 20 thousand people every day and ration has been made available to 23 thousand families. Shelter homes has been set up at Jora and Labhandi in the capital. An arrangement of online education has been made so that students of differently-abled students can continue their education regularly. Separate cell has been established for monitoring the prevention of corona virus infection in government and non-governmental organizations, which reports to the government every day.