Banihal: JKSCERT hosts capacity building program for teachers on Mapping & Contextualization

RAMBAN: The Jammu and Kashmir Council of Educational Research and Training (JKSCERT), in collaboration with the District Institute of Education & Training (DIET), Banihal conducted a five day capacity building programme on Mapping and Contextualization (Relevance) for the Pre-Primary and Primary teachers here at Government Higher Secondary School, Banihal.


The training programme was held under the aegis of the Principal Secretary, Education, BK Singh who is also the Chairman, J&K Council of Education Research & Training.


Speaking on the occasion, Professor Swarn Singh Jiral from JKSCERT, said that the training was a part of the National Education Policy, under which focus has been laid on the universalisation of Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE).


He said that in the age of 3 to 6 years pre-schools will provide basic education to children, to prepare them for formal education from Grade I onwards. The policy entails the importance to play based, activity based and inquiry based curriculum with the aim to focus on attaining optimal outcomes in the domains of physical motor development, cognitive development, socio-emotional-ethical development, cultural/artistic development, and the development of communication and early language, literacy and numeracy.


Resource Persons informed that this training will help the teachers in removing the phobia among the pre-school kids of going to school by teaching them in a play-way method and by providing them lunch thereby developing interest in them.


The Resource Persons including Santosh Chib, Gurmeet Singh, Nazeer Ahmed Mughal, Shahida Iqbal, Sweete Sharma, Nisha Lata, Indu Sharma and Santosh Kumari trained 50 teachers from across the Ramban district under the supervision of Principal, DIET, Banihal, Sudesh Kumari.


A three member team of JKSCERT led by the Professor, Swarn Singh Jiral and comprising of Academic Officers, Purshottam Singh and Navneet Gupta also visited Banihal to review the progress of the training