Career counselling sessions held for Class XII students


ALIGARH : The Senior Secondary School students at the Aligarh Muslim University received myriad information regarding a wide array of career and higher education opportunities after completing class XII education, during the two career counselling sessions organized by the Training and Placement Office (General) under the G20 university connect programme.

At the first session, hosted at Sayyid Hamid Senior Secondary School (Boys) under the theme, “Career in Law and Humanities”, male students of Class XII were provided with information regarding various career opportunities.

Prof. Vibha Sharma (Department of English) discussed various career prospects after a senior secondary school certificate in humanities, underscoring the interdisciplinary nature of humanities and its synergy with science.

Prof. Syed Ali Nawaz Zaidi (Department of Law) highlighted the opportunities available within the precinct of legal education. He said that a legal professional is like an all-rounder who proves his worth in any field he chooses to play.

Hammad ul Haque and Syed Ahmad Nawaz Zaidi, both second-year law students, conducted the programme, while Imran Amir, a final-year law student extended a vote of thanks.

The second career counselling session for girl students on the theme, “Inspiring Career in Law and Humanities for Women”, held at the Senior Secondary School (Girls), saw the participation of a large number of students from across various disciplines.

The chief guest, Chief Development Officer, Aligarh, Ms. Akanksha Rana (IAS) shed light on the significance of hobbies in achieving personal and professional growth. She underlined the major career shifts over the last few years and urged the students to make a wise choice not necessarily adhering to a universal idea of “best” professions.

Dr Bhupendra Kaushal, Head of Manufacturing at Zydus Wellness Ltd., emphasized the importance of achieving excellence in any field. He shared a tapestry of diverse experiences, motivating the girls to aspire for the zenith in their chosen fields.

Prof. Syed Ali Nawaz Zaidi enlightened the students about the vast array of opportunities available within the legal field, including legal writing and public prosecution.

The session was conducted by the law students, Ranyah Hamid Qadeer and Aanandita Rao.

Mr Saad Hameed, Training and Placement Officer, thanked the guest speakers for providing the students with insightful guidance and personalized interactions and underlined the importance of organizing such sessions.