emlyon business school biggest riser in the Financial Times’ Executive Education, ranking #23 in the world

emlyon business school’s Executive Education is ranked 23rd in the world by the Financial Times, up 13 places since 2020. Participants – companies, executives, and managers – praise the programs for the achievement of their objectives, the acquisition of skills and the relevance of the teaching methods.

These results are particularly revealing of the quality of emlyon business school’s Executive Education programs, which help companies with their strategic transformation projects and support the ambitious professional projects of executives and managers.

For Christine Baldy-Ngayo, Associate Dean for Executive Education at emlyon business school, “This result testifies to our collective commitment to train and support, throughout their lives, responsible executives and leaders who effectively transform their organizations for a more just, caring and planet-friendly society. This ranking is a recognition of the strength of our Executive Education programs, as well as our talented participants, world-class faculty, outstanding alumni community and excellent teams.”

The Financial Times Executive Education Rankings list the world’s best business schools, internationally accredited by the AACSB or Equis. It combines the ranking of customized programs and the open programs ranking. The Financial Times lists the 50 best business schools in the world for Executive Education.

  • The Customized Programs ranking focuses on programs that are tailored to the needs of organizations, which call upon the schools to meet their strategic and transformational requirements,
  • The Open Programs ranking is dedicated to programs open to executives and managers from different organizations and at different stages of their careers, covering all areas of business management.

The data for these rankings is collected through two online surveys, conducted independently by the Financial Times, with companies and participants (80% of the result) and with schools (20% of the result).

Methodology and results