FICCI FLO signs MoU with IESC, IIM Shillong to support and help entrepreneurs

New Delhi: “True Women empowerment can only be achieved through making women economically independent” said Shri Shishir Kumar Bajoria, Chairman Board of Governors, IIM Shillong on signing the MoU with FICCI FLO. The MoU aims to provide guidance and mentor budding entrepreneurs by facilitating a nurturing, instructive and supportive environment during the initial and critical stages of starting a business, thus enabling them to reduce the initial star-up costs and establish themselves in a shorter timeframe.

“Atmanirbhar Mahilla is the most important component towards achieving our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji’s goal of Atmanirbhar Bharat. IIM Shillong is indeed privileged to reach this MoU with FICCI FLO because it would not only provide us an opportunity to serve the North East”, Shri Bajoria further added.

Jahnabi Phookan, President, FICCI FLO said “Through our national incubation cell we wish to build a sustainable eco-system within FLO, in order to identify potential start-ups, women entrepreneurs & provide them with the necessary guidance & support. This would enable us to create a self-relying entrepreneurial ecosystem for women, that empowers them, makes then self-sufficient & helps them become job creators and not mere job seekers”

“We want to create an eco-system of goods & services which will continue to be in demand across communities in the future. Our aim is to work towards sustainable goals which are profitable for people, society as well as the planet”, She further added.


Prof. D.P. Goyal, Director, IIM Shillong added “Our mission is to generate & disseminate knowledge in all aspects of management education for sustainable development & to develop innovative leaders with strong ethical values”

Shri. Atul Kulkarni, Member, Board of Governors IIM Shillong “We will make sure that our students will get exposure through this initiative, like our past programs such as the Rural Emulsion program. This will help generate enough resources in terms of human capital & thought leadership which the Incubation cell would require in the upcoming future”

Prof. Sanjeeb Kakoty Chairperson, IESC, IIM Shillong, laid emphasis on the importance of women entrepreneurs specially in the North East by saying “An interesting fact about entrepreneurship in the North East is that it has essentially been women-led. Like in the weaving sector, almost 98% of all weavers in the north east are women, therefore if transformation has to occur in the north-east it has to be women led”

The session was moderated by day chair Nehal Parikh, National Head – FLO incubation Cell