Gumpark PetrSU invites scientists and students to participate in scientific projects

A meeting of the Council of the Humanitarian Innovation Park of PetrSU took place, at which the interim results of the implementation of numerous projects of the ISU were summed up and plans were discussed until the end of the year.
Heads of divisions (I.A.Chernyakova, A.A. Skoropadskaya, O.Yu. Kulakovskaya, E.R. Guseva, S.V. Korobeinikova), project participants and vice-rector for research activities traditionally worked at the Council of the Humanitarian Innovation Park. University V.S. Syunev.

During the meeting, the director of the State Institute of Internal Affairs I.M. Suvorova presented a brief analysis of 12 existing projects of the park, after which a constructive discussion of the results and problems of the implementation of individual projects took place.

Particular attention was paid to the analysis of the 4 scientific expeditions of the ISU, two of which were funded by grants. Administrator of the ISU and the head of the corresponding expeditionary projects P.S. Voronina analyzed in detail the course and results of expeditions to Paanajarvi (Louhsky district), Gridino (Kemsky district) and Nyukhchu (Belomorsky district), in which scientists and students of PetrSU took part last summer. The council members also discussed the proposal from the Paanajärvi Park management to transfer the Paanajärvi Paths project on a permanent basis, which involves attracting more scientists and students to participate in this scientific and educational project.

Head of the complex scientific expedition “Kalevala-2021” I.M. Suvorova presented some quantitative results on research, educational and educational activities, obtained during the expedition. The members of the expedition highlighted the successes and shortcomings in its implementation, made a number of proposals for attracting local residents to educational activities, and also discussed the problem of attracting more students to the expeditionary activities of the ISU.

The council members were presented with a draft roadmap for the scientific expeditionary activities of the ISU for the future until 2026, uniting historians, philologists, linguists, economists, philosophers, psychologists, cultural scientists, geographers, tourism managers, physicians, biologists, restorers, archaeologists and sociologists.

No less important was the discussion of the upcoming expeditionary departure of teams of historians (I.A.Chernyakov) and philologists (E.R.

The Council members planned a republican scientific conference with international participation “Karelia through the eyes of scientists-2021: the main results of expeditionary activities” as the most important final event of the scientific expeditionary activity of the Humanitarian Park. The conference will be held on December 8 in a hybrid format; in addition to the plenary session, it is planned to work in 4 sections, organized according to the territorial principle: “Kalevala Territory”, “Karelian Pomorie”, “Karelian Arctic” and “South Karelia”. The organizing committee will prepare a photo exhibition “Expeditionary Activities of PetrSU-2021”, as well as a digest based on the materials of the scientific conference with abstracts of reports. The meeting participants decided to actively invite to the conference not only the scientific community, but also students, who are passionate or potentially ready to explore their native land in the format of scientific complex expeditions of the ISU. You can register to participate in the conference bylink .

In addition, the Council of the Humanitarian Park of PetrSU invites you to publish the results of scientific research in scientific journals indexed in the RSCI: Studia Humanitatis Borealis (philosophy, cultural studies, sociology – possibly in collaboration with students), C ARELiC A (historical regional studies, ethnoarchitectural studies, environmental history , linguistic studies), Stud Arctic Forum (a number of scientific specialties for students).