Head of School awarded prestigious Visiting Fellowship at leading US University


Professor Harris Beider, Head of School for Social Sciences at Birmingham City University (BCU) has recently been awarded an Advanced Research Collaborative (ARC) Distinguished Visiting Fellowship at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Centre.



The Graduate Centre, home to the global centre of research excellence at CUNY, each year awards 10 individuals around the world with Visiting Fellowships, each carrying great esteem amongst scholars from around the world.

Commencing in spring 2024, Professor Beider’s Visiting Fellowship will include a travel allowance, an office at the Graduate Centre as well as the exciting opportunity to join CUNY’s prestigious academic community.

Exploring America’s ‘left behind’ communities

As part of the Fellowship, Professor Beider will be working on a research project – ‘Recognizing Loss and Building Hope in Left Behind Places in New York City: A Case Study of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn’ – during his time in New York City.

The Visiting Fellowship will require Professor Beider to generate funding to support the research, which could eventually be used to help shape policy and practice in Bay Ridge and similar places across NYC and the country.

All research conducted by the BCU School of Social Sciences and its associated research centres aim to make an original contribution to knowledge and create real-world impact across the themes of sociology, psychology and criminology.