High Blood Donation at Karunya Deemed University on the occasion of birthday of its Founder Dr.Paul Dhinakaran

Chennai: Karunya, Seesha and Jesus Calls the three organizations established for serving the community through education, health care and social upliftment. The 56th Birthday of its founder Bro.Paul Dhinakaran with series of events, educational scholarships (full fees) were given to 8 poor students studying in Karunya Deemed university, Bro.PaulDhinakaran inaugurated the blood donation camp by himself donating Blood, more than 300 volunteers joined him in donating blood , in another milestone event at SEESHA- KARUNYA Community hospital. He launched a campaign against non communicable diseases by introducing a package for Rs 100 which even the poor people can be benefitted, the package contains random blood sugar testing, monitoring of Blood Pressure, ECG, BMI , Doctor consultation, Physio Consultation and Dental consultationmore than 100 people from the villages near by participated. He also distributed saplings to people who participated in the health campaign.In his address he stressed upon the increase in the risks of hypertension, blood sugar and advised people to utilize the health screening package and have a healthy life style. Dr.Paul Dhinakaran appreciated the Seesha Medical Team and Karunya students who went to Kerala to help the people in the recent disasters.

Earlier, he was with differently abled children, elderly people from the care homes and students of Karunya Deemed University and distributed cakes. Mrs. Evangeline Dhinakaran, Bro.Samuel Paul, Vice Chancellor Dr.Mannar P.Jawahar, Registrar Dr.Elijah Blessing were along with him during the celebration, blood donation and launching of NCD campaign.