Institute of Risk Management (IRM), India Affiliate Announces Level 1 Results for February 2023 Global Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Foundation Examination


Mumbai : IRM India Affiliate has announced the results for their Level 1 February 2023 Global ERM Foundation exam. Nawam Arora, Student of SDA Bocconi Asia Center, Mumbai, secured the all-India rank in the student exam while Sainath M Jamdadwar, Entrepreneur achieved the all-India rank in the professional exam. They both achieved a distinction of 85.3% in the student and professional exams respectively. IRM, headquartered in the UK, is the world’s leading professional body in ERM and has been driving excellence for over 30 years, across 143 countries.

Kosha Parekh, IRMCert, Head of Academics, IRM India Affiliate, said: “I congratulate the top rank holders and everyone who has cleared the Level 1 examination exuding sheer grit, hard work and efficiency. We, at IRM, always aim to inculcate the knowledge of risk management among every candidate and ensure they are equipped with the expertise to achieve their business goals. They are also skilled in mitigation, risk identification that aid them in predicting and formulating effective strategies to tackle any sort of crisis in the long run. As a country, India needs to build a robust risk resilient ecosystem of businesses through a community of adept risk professionals.”

Entrepreneur, Sainath M Jamdadwar says: “I would like to gladly admit here that my journey of clearing IRM’s level 1 ERM Foundation exam was enlightening and will certainly help me become a risk professional. The study support/material was comprehensive enough for preparing the exam and helped me understand the concepts clearly. My approach has become more analytical and calibrated towards addressing issues in my personal and professional life. I recommend this certification to all the aspirants in ERM and while preparing take the holistic approach of understanding the concepts to enable better understanding and learning. I am planning to take the IRM Level 2 exam in December 2023 in my attempt to become a qualified IRMCert.”

Nawam Arora, Student of SDA Bocconi Asia Center, Mumbai, said:  “Clearing IRM’s Level 1 ERM Foundation exam was an enriching experience for me. The significance of ERM has been highlighted by numerous recent global events and through the exam process, I developed a greater comprehension of risk management principles and practices. The path to earning this certification was difficult but rewarding. It required commitment, discipline, and a tonne of effort. The study resources and support sessions offered by IRM were very beneficial for getting ready for the test. Many case studies and examples offered in the study materials demonstrated how ERM principles were applied in real-world situations. As for myself, I intend to pursue IRM’s next level and work towards earning the IRMCert designation in order to increase my proficiency in the risk management domain.”

Risk management has become a critical need of the hour, where the world is witnessing innumerable untoward incidents pertaining to businesses. To be prepared to tackle such unforeseen circumstances, India as a country, needs to encourage and create a more holistic and strong risk-resilient ecosystem. Hence, we aim in building a fundamental understanding and inculcate the skills of risk expertise and knowledge among young professionals from junior-to-senior executives to add value to their respective organisations.