ISB celebrates its graduation ceremony at the Mohali campus

Last week, Abhijeet Mukhekar of the ISB Mohali campus received the gold medal from the Prime Minister of India

Mohali : Indian School of Business celebrated its graduation ceremony for the PGP Class of 2022 at its Mohali campus today. Professor Madan Pillutla, Dean, ISB, presented certificates to the passing-out students of the Mohali campus in the presence of their proud family members and beaming friends & well-wishers. A total of 325 students received their certificates at the ceremony. Last week, Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister, addressed the students at the combined graduation ceremony at ISB’s Hyderabad campus on May 26. Abhijeet Mukhekar from the Mohali campus received the gold medal from the Hon’ble Prime Minister for topping the class. Addressing the graduates, Dean Madan Pillutla advised them to take risks, be generous and influence others wisely. The programme came to an end with the ceremonial hat-toss by the jubilant students.