Large turnout for the NCF workshop organized by Orient BlackSwan

Bengaluru : On the occasion of their 75th anniversary, which coincides significantly with the introduction of the National Curriculum Framework, Orient Blackswan Private Limited, a pioneer in the field of educational publication, planned to organize a series of workshops for the educators across the country under the banner ‘The ABC of NCF: NCF Explained!’. The third workshop of the series was held on 16 September 2023 in Bengaluru. More than a hundred teachers from schools across Bengaluru and participated in the event.  

The primary objective of the workshop titled Teaching, Learning and Assessment at the Foundational Stage was to help teachers gain in-depth understanding of the principles of the NEP and NCF and equip them with the tools and strategies to implement the same in their foundational stage classrooms. The workshop was conducted by a senior expert on the National Curriculum Framework.

The NEP 2020 recognises the crucial role of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and highlights the need for providing holistic education to young learners for their well-rounded development. As per the NEP guidelines, learning at this stage needs to be play-based and experiential enabling the learners to discover and learn through their experiences.

Focused on translating this theory into practice, the workshop sessions were a walkthrough of the NEP principles with examples from classroom situations. The interactive sessions, case studies, practical exercises conducted during the session allowed the participants to explore the NEP and arrive at classroom teaching methods that resonate with the principles outlined in it.

Speaking after the workshop, a participant, Ms Surabhi Gandhi said, “the workshop was an example of experiential and activity-based learning. It really helped us understand the NEP guidelines and implement them successfully in our classrooms.”

The forthcoming workshops of the same series will be held at various other cities. Being a forward-looking company, Orient BlackSwan has always walked in step with educational reforms and is deeply committed to helping educators make that crucial transition to the new educational landscape, seamlessly and successfully.