Meeting with the Head of the Petrozavodsk City District

As part of the implementation of the Development Program for the flagship university, work continues with the Petrozavodsk urban district.
Vice-rector of PetrSU Vasily Kuzmich Katarov, director of the interdistrict resource center in Petrozavodsk Tatyana Semyonovna Ternovskaya met with the Head of the Petrozavodsk city district Vladimir Konstantinovich Lyubarsky, chairman of the social development committee Lyubov Viktorovna Ikonnikova, deputy head of the education department Svetlana Valentinovna Chervskaya.

To date, in the Petrozavodsk urban district, the university has held more than 100 events in remote and online form. The total number of participants in all events in the PGO was more than 5000 people.

VC. Lyubarsky highly appreciated the work of PetrSU in various areas of activity in Petrozavodsk:

I believe that the potential for interaction between the city and the university should be used, the areas of interaction should be expanded, and the people of science should be consulted. I am sure that science should be more closely integrated into urban life. And there are enough directions for such work: from long-term integrated development of the embankment to calculating transport passenger traffic and conducting sociological research.