Peking University reopens campus access for alumni and students’ family members


Peking University: Peking University (PKU) announced on January 16 that it has reopened the campus access for PKU alumni, which came shortly after it resumed the access for family members of its students.

Based on the adjustments of the COVID-19 response policies and the actual situation of the campus, starting from January 16, 2023, the University has reopened the campus access for PKU alumni, who no longer need to make appointments before entering the campus, according to a statement issued on Monday by Peking University.

Alumni who visit by foot will only need to present their PKU Alumni Cards/e-Cards or ID cards upon arrival at the gates, and alumni who visit with vehicles or accompanying guests will need to be pre-approved, the statement read.

For alumni who haven’t got an alumni card, you can apply for one on the “PKU Alumni” Wechat mini-program.