PetrSU employees tested their knowledge of civil defense and emergency situations

The Integrated Security Directorate together with the Educational and Methodological Directorate conducted testing of PetrSU employees based on the results of studying materials on civil defense and emergency prevention during 2020
The Department of Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Integrated Security Administration (P.A.Kizhina) and the Department of Electronic Educational Resources of the Educational and Methodological Administration (A.N.

First, everyone took subject-specific validation tests, and then a final test of 20 questions. The testing consisted of four stages on 7 training topics, the content of which was studied by the employees of PetrSU during the year. In total, there were 114 questions about the procedure for informing the population about emergencies, the actions of employees, university employees to prevent accidents, disasters and fires on the territory of the university and in case of their occurrence. According to the rules on the procedure for providing first aid to yourself and to those injured in accidents, injuries, poisoning and emergencies, told A.A. Solnyshkov, Head of the Integrated Security Department.

The first stage of testing started on October 26. At this stage, the leaders of the study groups of the institutes were tested.

The second stage of testing took place from 2 to 20 November, which was attended by employees of all institutes. In just 2 stages, 704 employees were tested.

The Institute of Foreign Languages, the Institute of Forestry, Mining and Construction Sciences, and the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies have the highest number of test scores (here the average score of the institute employees was the highest at the university – 97.91%).

The third stage of testing was attended by heads of study groups and employees of structural units responsible for organizing training on civil defense and emergency situations. The final test was successfully passed by all test takers.

The final fourth stage of testing for civil emergency response of employees of structural divisions ended on December 15. It was attended by 361 employees from 17 departments. The highest average score of 100% was scored by the faculty of advanced training and retraining of teachers. The full complement of employees of the RCNIT, the Administrative and Legal Department, the Educational and Methodological Department, the Office of Pre-University and Career Guidance, the Faculty of Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining, the Linguistic Center, the PetrSU Publishing House and the Botanical Garden passed the testing. Of the 1208 employees planned for all stages, 1,065 people passed testing in the Moodle system of PetrSU. Also, in the field, 143 employees of the economic department were tested.

Testing for civil defense and emergency situations was carried out for the first time in PetrSU and was successful, – summed up the organizers of testing.