PetrSU hosted an online broadcast for applicants

The broadcast was dedicated to the peculiarities of the admission campaign of PetrSU in 2021.
Marina Nikolaevna Semenova, head of the department for organizing student admission at PetrSU, spoke about the changes in the admission rules. In addition to changes and clarifications of the rules of this year, the number of directions and budget places was announced.

In this, PetrSU offers its applicants 75 directions and profiles of bachelor’s and specialist ‘s degrees in full-time education. There are 19 directions for distance learning .

This year there are 1361 budget places in PetrSU , 95 of them are for distance learning.

We remind you that you can ask questions about admission to the admissions committee: (814-2) 71-10-30, [email protected] , via the hotline .