Real-time technology helping students in virtual learning during COVID-19 Time: PubNub CEO

New Delhi: PubNub, the world’s leading Data Stream Network for IoT, mobile and web apps, is doing well in providing of the real-time technology to thousands of students, parents and teachers in classrooms around the world. With PubNub, many developers from education technology companies such as ClassDojo, Curriculet, Treehouse and more have been able to create engaging plaltforms.

During this tough situation of COVID-19 and lockdown, when virtual learning is the only option left for students and teachers, PubNub is proving a boon to them.

Meanwhile, the entire world is witnessing a rapid digital transformation despite the hit. There is a huge increase in the use of applications and services that completely rely on the real-time communication post COVID-19.

It is the time when the entire world is moving online and the one which is operating in the internet space, is only breathing & surviving, PubNub strives to create a big difference in the technology sector.

In this era of technology, you need a messaging network to connect everyone, everywhere instantaneously. And you need a network that empowers the world’s devices to interact in realtime- reliable, securely and at a massive scale to deal with the demands of now, and the future.

PubNub CEO, Todd Greene said, “We are supporting both our academic and enterprise clients to ensure eLearning services support organic, immediate interaction to make sure all learning sessions are effective. We can have deep and meaningful collaborations with people on any subject: academic, creative, and professional. We have been working with leading players like Cuemath to enhance the experiences they are able to provide.

E-Learning products built on a real-time communication platform can deliver truly interactive experiences that work reliably at scale, across any kind of internet-connected device. Instead of simply showing classroom videos, teachers can engage students online with virtual whiteboards, live webcasts, slideshows, and realtime quizzes.”

PubNub, a Silicon Valley technology company and world’s leading data stream network for IoT, mobile and web apps company, is the answer, providing a complete, robust and globally scaled network for any real-time use case.

How is Digital Networking helping people in the time of COVID?

At PubNub we believe that everyone, and every product, will be dramatically changed by our “always-on” connection to the Internet. The need for always-on and realtime technology continues to grow, and COVID-19 only accelerated the rate of adoption and need for this technology. Realtime experiences will now get more real, and people will find fewer needs to travel to and from work, meetings, conferences, seminars, and other events. The online experience will meet, and eventually exceed, the “real world” experience. The online tools to collaborate will become far superior to people standing at a whiteboard.

As a company, we’ve seen trends in the way people are adapting to remote life, thanks to customers that use our technology for all sorts of online experiences around the world. As life has migrated online, we’ve been ready to see the services people are using to effectively structure their days and keep life moving. We’ve seen how educators have leveraged remote learning applications in creative ways to reach and engage their students at their home; telemedicine services have allowed patients and doctors to communicate; live event services have ensured that life goes on in key ways and that cultural, social, and spiritual life can continue.

What extra initiatives has PubNub taken in the current situation to help people by using


Realtime technology will transform two major sectors – Healthcare and e-Learning. PubNub is deeply committed to bringing the best of realtime communication solutions to all our clients in these sectors.


Telemedicine will become a global reality, patients and caregivers can get medical help from experts halfway around the world. Just since March, we’ve seen over 104% growth in usage by doctors and their patients. PubNub’s telehealth solution has spurred on healthcare providers to create effective ways to communicate with their patients and deliver care in a way that makes it easy for everyone involved. We are working with leading healthcare providers like Apollo Healthcare and others to ensure their patients don’t have to drive to clinics or hospitals and are able to leverage telehealth apps for routine check-ups, prescription refills, and mental health services.

In addition, entertainment and gaming are sectors we have been powering up. The advancement in chat functionality is changing the game, literally, where gamers are now able to experience and build realconnections, relationships, friendships and communities.

PubNub operates the world’s leading Realtime Communication Platform, which connects, delivers, and controls the data and logic used to power realtime applications at global scale for thousands of companies around the world including Swiggy, Peloton, Atlassian, and athenahealth. Our services embrace an array of features like notifications, organic interactions, and responsive chat, providing human-speed, realtime experiences. Each of these services ultimately gives people a way to continue their lives, careers, and plans with minimal disruption.

A few words on how AI, Realtime Communication Platforms and realtime technology are the future of India?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are primarily about using machines to create insights. These insights can be “after the fact”, by mining huge amounts of data and producing reports. But the real benefits of AL/ML emerge when insights occur in realtime, and can trigger actions. Imagine the benefits of an AI-based sentiment analysis engine that alerts a customer support rep during a chat about the customer’s mood. Or a realtime analysis of a patient’s symptoms when an AI is reading a patient’s text chat while the doctor is asking questions. Only when AI and realtime technology are married together can the benefits of AL/ML really be realized. PubNub has built out-of-the-box integration into scores of AI/ML APIs for that very reason. A few examples include profanity detection, language translation, sentiment analysis, industrial pattern recognition, chat bots, and image moderation, to name a few.

How PubNub Connect?

Connectivity is where it all starts. The PubNub Network opens up secure bidirectional communication channels and connects devices to send and receive data. With 70 SDKS and an extensible platform, PubNub ensures you can connect any type of device to wherever you want, and that’s where the power of real-time begins

What PubNub Delivers?

Next-generation apps need a network that can handle realtime connections, at massive scale – low latency, high redundancy, high reliability. The PubNub Data Stream Network delivers on this mission-critical need, empowering you to deliver data in realtime, reliably and securely, with a 99.999% uptime SLA.

Data delivery is more than just sending a message. It’s limitless – send a chat message, trigger a smart device command, stream IoT sensor data, swing a virtual sword, broadcast a notification.

And security can’t be an afterthought, so we made sure all the bases are covered – encryption, access management, and required regulatory compliances (HIPAA, Privacy Shield, SOC-2, and more).

Key Features PubNub provides:

· Global infrastructure Powerful realtime APIs

· 70+ SDKs for web, mobile, gaming, IoT, and server

· Scalability for massive audiences

· Fine-grained access management

· 50+ integratable partner services

Key Numbers

· Delivering more messages per day than Twitter

· <1⁄4 second latency world- wide

· 99.999% uptime SLAs

PubNub was started in 2010 by Co-founders, Stephen Blum and Todd Greene, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with a vision to develop a streaming network for developers to build realtime applications. Till now, the company’s Data Streaming Network (DSN) is available across the world enabling developers to build connected applications.