Results of the conference “Tourism and Education: Research and Projects”

The VI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Tourism and Education: Research and Projects” was held.
The conference was organized by the Department of Tourism of the Republic of Karelia and the Department of Tourism of Petrozavodsk State University. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the main problems of improving the quality of tourism education, the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the regions of Russia, associated with the development of new tourism products, improving their quality and promotion.

The conference was attended by over 120 people from St. Petersburg, Tolyatti, Rostov-on-Don, Vytegra, the city of Petrozavodsk, regions of the Republic of Karelia: Segezhsky, Sortavalsky, Medvezhyegorsky, Pryazhinsky and others.

The conference was attended by representatives of government authorities, business, non-profit organizations, teaching staff of Russian universities that train personnel for the tourism sector.

The conference was opened by V.M. Kirilina, director of IFKSIT, and head of the department of tourism V.S. Plotnikov.

The following reports were presented at the plenary session:

Lukina Olga Valentinovna, Deputy Head of the Tourism Directorate of the Republic of Kazakhstan, highlighted the problems and prospects for solving the issues of accreditation of guides, instructors, guides, guides and translators.

Olga Belonogova, Director of the Museum-Restaurant “There Is in Karelia”, presented the possibilities for the development of gastronomic tourism, using the potential of the economy of impressions, demonstrated new opportunities for immersing guests of Petrozavodsk in an immersive gastronomic environment.

Leskova Galina Andreevna, Head of the Department of Tourism and Social and Cultural Service of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture, presented new interactive maps for the development of tourism in the regions. Using the example of the Leningrad region, she demonstrated the possibilities of using audio and video formats in the work of a guide, presented a cinematic map of the region.

Churilina Irina Nikolaevna, head. Department of Tourism, Service and Hospitality of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, updated the development of children’s tourism as a resource for the development of the region.

Bogolyubova Svetlana Anatolyevna, Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in the Service Sector of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, spoke about the problems and opportunities for training personnel for organizing and managing business processes in the tourism industry.

The plenary session was continued by the section “Historical, cultural and natural heritage as the potential for the development of new tourist and excursion routes” (moderator T.M. Glushanok, professor of the Department of Tourism), which was attended by partners of the Department of Tourism, representatives of such organizations as: … A.S. Pushkin, Center for the Development of Social Tourism, MRRC of PetrSU in Segezha, Institute of Water Problems of the North, KarRC, Vytegorsk Polytechnic College and others. The issues related to the development of tourist routes in the North-West of Russia, in particular, those affecting the territories of the Leningrad, Vologda regions and the Republic of Karelia, were updated.

The sections “Modern trends in the development of the tourism and hospitality industry” (moderator V.I. Shevchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism) and “Problems of Professional Training of Specialists for the Sphere of Tourism and Hospitality” (moderator V.S.Plotnikova, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism) were attended by partners departments representing the following organizations: RSPU im. Herzen, Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin, Karelian branch of RANEPA, PVGUS Togliatti, hotel “Peter-Inn. Petrozavodsk”, travel agency “OnegoTour”, Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.