Russia – USA in a dialogue of two cultures

A joint teleconference was held in English with the participation of guests from the USA.
What is a coping strategy? What is important to know about effective planning of the educational process and the organization of personal learning space in a pandemic? First-year students of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies of PetrSU in the areas of training “Information Systems” and “Applied Mathematics” spoke about these and many other aspects of the organization of distance learning in self-isolation during a direct teleconference with the participation of guests and experts from the USA, organized on the Internet Skype platform by a senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Natural-Technical Directions and Specialties of PetrSU Dorofeev Vladislav Borisovich.

The teleconference from the United States was opened by American expert psychologist Inna Gilman. She held a mini-master class for the participants of the conference, during which she revealed the secrets of how to cultivate positive thinking and set yourself up for success. Visualization methods, relaxation techniques and proper breathing, exercise and unity with nature are just a few of the tips that the psychologist gave during her presentation in English. language.

A teacher from Warrensburg Missouri, Rebecca Smale, told students from Russia about the main effective ways of planning the educational process and organizing a personal learning space in conditions of self-isolation. What difficulties students and teachers in America are facing in the course of distance learning and ways to solve them, these and many other questions were highlighted in a message by a teleconference participant.

First-year students, IMIT PetrSU in the areas of training “Information Systems” and “Applied Mathematics”, in turn, presented presentations and informative messages in English, covering the following topics: “Organization of the educational process in remote mode in schools and universities of Russia”, ” Pros and Cons of Distance Learning ”and much more. Students from Russia actively asked questions to American experts, guests of the newsgroup, and expressed their own opinion in English. language.