RWTH: Degree Programs High-Ranked in CHE Ranking


In the current CHE ranking, students rate RWTH’s master’s degree programs in engineering and psychology highly positively. In an online survey conducted by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) and the German weekly DIE ZEIT, students had the opportunity able to rate their university and their course of study with grades from 1 (excellent) to 6 (very poor). The survey included 30 questions grouped into seven indicators: course offerings, organization of studies, supervision, support during studies, academic relevance, as well as quality of the transition from Bachelor’s to Master’s studies.

Students of psychology, environmental engineering, and materials engineering/material sciences are particularly satisfied with the organization of studies. In particular, they praised the appropriate number of participants and the accessibility of the courses.

The quality of the transition from the Bachelor’s to the Master’s program and digital course components were rated very well across all subjects.