RWTH Introduces Early Name Change Procedures to Streamline Processes

RWTH Aachen University facilitates early name changes for transgender, intersex and non-binary persons (TIN persons) at the University.

From now on, an application to the local court in accordance with the Transsexuals Act (TSG) will not be required for an early change of first name and/or gender entry. This procedure is described by those affected as being time-consuming, costly, and therefore highly stressful. “Obtaining two psychiatric reports and answering intimate questions about one’s sex life continues to pathologize transsexuality as an illness or mental disorder,” explains Dr Ulrike Brands-Proharam Gonzalez, Equal Opportunities Officer at RWTH Aachen University.

The new regulation at RWTH means that it is now possible to change personal details by presenting the supplementary ID card from the German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality (dgti) and a declaration of intent. According to the RWTH Rectorate, the new regulation means that the repeated forced outing of TIN people in everyday University life and the previous restriction of their right to self-determination can finally be avoided. The RWTH’s Equal Opportunities Office and the Student Anti-Discrimination Contact Center are supporting those affected in implementing the new regulation.