RWTH Named As Best University For Industrial Engineering

RWTH tops the WirtschaftsWoche University Rankings.

The latest edition of the University Rankings reflects RWTH’s impressive reputation in the business world. The University is ranked number one in industrial engineering for the second year in a row. Nearly one in three of the surveyed HR managers stated that they favor RWTH graduates when recruiting. As in the previous year, the subjects of computer science and natural sciences at the University ranked second, while electrical engineering and mechanical engineering were also highly placed, achieving top 3 status. The University is also very pleased with its top 10 ranking for business administration.

The WirtschaftsWoche University Rankings indicate the graduates’ excellent reputation in the eyes of HR managers, reflecting the quality of education at the University. Consulting firm Universum surveyed more than 500 corporate HR managers to find out which university best prepares its graduates to meet their company’s needs.