Seminar on ‘Climate Change: Causes and Effects’


Aligarh : Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) faculty members and functionaries of the Teachers Association for Animal Rights (TAFAR), Ballabgarh, Haryana with empathic understanding on climate change shared views on the critical issue, drawing from many perspectives and disciplines in the seminar on ‘Climate Change: Causes and Effects’ of the Department of Education, AMU.

Prof Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui (Chairman, Department of Education) overviewed the implications of climate change on agriculture, ecosystems and food systems.

He provided important economic, ethical, and policy insights on the issue.

Prof Mujibul also welcomed the speakers.

Expressing concern on deforestation, G D Mathur (General Secretary, TAFAR) called for an innovative approach to keeping forests standing.

He said: “Forests help slow climate change. Trees capture greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, preventing them from accumulating in the atmosphere and warming our planet. Growing forests are carbon sinks with additional potential to mitigate the effects of climate change”.

TAFAR member Naveen discussed harmful effects of excessive carbon emissions on biotic life.

He pointed out: “Greenhouse gases can influence animal populations through various mechanisms. These gases can enter terrestrial and aquatic food webs, and alter ecosystem functioning—directly altering plant anatomy and physiology, and hence indirectly changing the behavior and life history patterns of animals that rely on these plants for food or shelter”.

Monika Agarwal (Member, TAFAR) drew the attention of prospective teachers by asking them thought provoking questions on various issues related to the environment.

She sensitised the participants with useful discussions on large-scale livestock farming and unsustainable practices.

Prof Nasrin, Dr Mohd Hanif Ahmad and other faculty members provided views on issues of burning coal, oil and gas; deforestation; increasing livestock farming and use of fertilizers and fluorinated gases in discussions with experts and students.

Prof Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui extended the vote of thanks.