SKKU: Professor Seong Don Kim of Law School, won the Korea Crime Prevention Foundation’s Academic Award

Professor Seong Don Kim of Law School at SKKU won the Academic Award at the 14th Korea Crime Prevention Foundation Awards. The award ceremony was held at the Korea Press Center at 6 p.m. on November 26 (Fri), and Professor Kim was awarded a plaque and 10 million KRW in prize money.

Professor Kim, a well-known jurist at home and abroad, has been striving for excellent research activities and criminal law education, publishing more than 20 professional academic books and 90 related papers while serving at universities for 28 years. Additionally, he was recognized for his great dedication to crime prevention in our society through the development of criminal law in Korea and fostering legal professionals by doing many activities at academic and government committees such as the Korean Criminal Law Association, Korean Association of Victimology, etc.

Professor Kim said, “I feel sorry that I am the only one receiving consolation and encouragement in challenging situation. I will devote myself to further activities while keeping the philosophy of “Cogito, erco sum (I think, therefore I am)” in mind.