Social Justice Day observed


ALIGARH  : Professor Fouzia Khan (Department of Teacher Training and Non-Formal Education, IASE, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi) urged “to increase the representation of minorities in public undertakings for social inclusion”. She said researches showed that “untouchability is still prevalent in rural India and underpaid labour of women is a matter of serious concern”.

Professor Fouzia Khan was addressing an online seminar on “Achieving Social Justice through Formal Employment”, organized by the Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University, marking the World Day of Social Justice on February 20.

She said that all the disadvantaged sections of society need to be given equal preferences irrespective of class, caste, religion or gender, while considering them for employment, to ensure social justice.

Prof Ved Prakash Tripathi (Pro-Vice Chancellor, JS University and Former Director, Institute of Rural Development, Agra) stressed that social justice needs to be ensured by providing equal opportunities to all as guaranteed by the constitution. He underlined the prerequisites for social justice, including access to resources, equity, protection of diversified culture, equal opportunities and individual freedom.

He discussed in detail the issues of gender inequality, poverty and human rights.

Dr Aftab Ahmad Ansari (Associate Professor, Department of Education) discussed in detail the educational and employment status of disadvantaged sections, especially minorities in the light of Sachar Committee and Kundu Committee reports.

In his presidential remarks, Prof Nisar Ahmad Khan (Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences,AMU) said that only about 10% employment makes a total representation in the formal sector while the rest of the 90% people is dependent on the unorganized sector. He emphasized that regulatory authorities have a major role to play in this period of globalization and liberalization to curb corruption and ensure social justice.

Earlier, Professor Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui (Director, National Seminar and Chairman, Department of Education) welcomed the guest speakers, while Professor (Mrs) Nasrin (Convenor, National Seminar) proposed a vote of thanks. Dr Mohammad Shaheer Siddiqui conducted the programme.

Dr Razia B informed that several papers relevant to the theme of the seminar were presented by the faculty members and research scholars in the second session.