Students told high school students about the university

4th year students of the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology held a series of career guidance events for students in grades 9-11 in schools in the city of Petrozavodsk and Sortavalsky municipal district.
High school students were introduced to the institutes of PetrSU, directions and profiles for which applicants will be admitted to the university in 2021, with the admission rules .

At the Finno-Ugric school named after Elias Lennrot, meetings with ninth and eleventh graders were held from November 12 to 20, they were held by Ulyana Gerasimova, Vasilisa Ignatieva, Irina Chakkoeva and Veronika Pashkova.

On November 27, the event in Lyceum No. 1 was held through the Zoom conference, to which the tenth-graders who wished joined, as well as the 11th grade as part of the class hour. The meeting was attended by Olga Nikolaevna Medvedeva, teacher of the Department of Timur and Metallurgy, primary school teacher of Lyceum No. 1. The hosts of the meeting Sofia Ivanova and Valentina Smirnova shared their impressions:

We told the children about our university, why it is a flagship university, about all institutes, and dwelled on the profiles of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, in particular, the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, where we ourselves study. We were asked a lot of questions. The schoolchildren were interested, for example, whether we like studying at PetrSU, whether the workload is big, in what form the training is taking place at the moment, what they like more – full-time or distance learning, whether PetrSU provides opportunities for further employment.

At the University Lyceum, Anastasia Aseeva, Angelina Badia, Anastasia Dorofeeva, Valeria Kuleva and Anastasia Linkova introduced the same information to 9th grade students.

Acquaintance with the university on December 3 and 4 took place for the senior pupils of the secondary school № 7 town. Khelyulya, Sortavala region, the organizers of these meetings were Anastasia Vlasova, Tatiana Fomina and Ulyana Fedulova. The girls also talked about the creative teams of the university, the opportunities to engage in sports sections, about the traditions of the department of theory and methodology of primary education.

The curator of the groups, Svetlana Iosifovna Smirnova, head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, notes:

Some 4th year students take part in vocational guidance activities already from the first year, so they felt confident enough answering the students’ questions. The meetings showed that high school students are interested in the profiles according to which the university implements educational programs.

All students – organizers and presenters of the meetings held – study in two profiles: students of group 241 – “Primary education and foreign (English) language”, 244 groups – “Primary education and native language (Karelian)”. Therefore, the girls also talked about the specifics of admission to programs with two training profiles, about the advantages, about the features of training and practical training in two profiles at once.

In total, for the period from November 10 to December 5, 8 events were held, in which more than 200 schoolchildren of the Republic of Karelia took part.