Successful bilateral meeting between Bharatiya Railway Mall Godam Shramik Union (BRMGSU) with Department of Labour (Bhubaneswar, Odisha)




Bhubaneswar : Members of the central committee of the union on the instructions of Shri Parimal Kanti Mandal, all India President of Bharatiya Railway Mall Godam Shramik Union (BRMGSU) to expedite the central decision to implement the minimum wages and recognition of the Railway Goods Shed Workers, a successful bilateral meeting was held at the Kendriya Shram Sadan, Bhubaneswar, Headquarters of the Labour Department (Bhubaneswar).

Deputy Chief Labor Commissioner (Central) Mr. S. Sampath Kumar was on behalf of the Labour Department and on behalf of BRMGSU, Central Committee members Mr. Balaram Mallick, Mr. Pankaj Rout, Mr. Prakash Rout and Smt. Sibhadra Sahoo were present.

The meeting outlined how to deliver all government benefits like pension, insurance, medical, housing, including minimum wages to railway goods warehouse workers. Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner Mr. S. Sampath Kumar assured to deliver these government benefits to the workers as soon as possible.