The 3 day Global Conference on “Innovative Approaches for Enhancing Water Productivity in Agriculture including Horticulture” held at Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University


Hyderabad : The 3 day Global Conference on “Innovative Approaches for Enhancing Water Productivity in Agriculture including Horticulture” begins here at Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU), on 16th September 2021, in University Auditorium, Rajendranagar. The Conference was held in Hybrid mode both virtual & online. PJTSAU, Amit Singh Memorial Foundation(ASM), New Delhi and Confederation of Horticultural Associations of India (CHAI), New Delhi are jointly organizing this 3day global conference. The inaugural session has held at university auditorium in Rajendranagar main campus. Dr.V Praveen Rao, VC PJTSAU, Dr HP Singh, Chairman, CHAI, Sri. S.K. Patnaik, Former Agricultural Secretary, Government of India were spoke on this occasion.

Dr. Praveen Rao, has delivered the welcome address. While speaking at the conference Dr Rao, had told that, due to providing irrigation facility in the state the agricultural and Horticulture crop area has increased tremendously in last 7 years he added. Agricultural crop area has increased about 42 percent and horticultural crop area is increased about 22 percent he said. He stated that, there is need to focus on enhancing of agricultural and horticultural water productivity.

Dr. HP Singh, Chairman, CHAI has explained about the importance of this 3day global conference. Due to COVID situation this conference was post phoned twice he said. While speaking at the inaugural programme, he told that, now world is moving towards the water scarcity both for agriculture and domestic use and need to evolve technologies for judicious use of water for agriculture. Due to increasing of population, there is a huge decrease of per capita water availability in the world as well as in India he added. need evolve technologies for efficient use of water.

Sri S.K. Patnaik, Former Agricultural Secretary, GoI has attended as chief guest and spoke on the occasion. Mr. Patnaik, has appreciated the efforts of PJTSAU particularly VC Praveen Rao for making agricultural transformation & growth in the state. After the formation of separate state, Telangana has achieved several mile stones in agricultural sector and set example for many other states in the country. The entire credit is goes for state Government and also the agricultural knowledge partner of state government i.e PJTSAU as well he said. He stated that, there is a challenge to improve the water productivity in the state. Because, it is time to think now how to utilize properly for enhance our agricultural water productivity he added. Further, he stated, unless water be used judiciously and scientifically we may threat to face great problems in future he pointed.

Confederation of Horticultural Associations of India, ASM foundation had presented awards for agricultural experts, scientists, industrialists for their innovative work done in agriculture sector as well in horticulture. Students were also presented awards. Dr Praveen Rao, VC PJTSAU has awarded Amit Prabodh Manishi Award by ASM foundation for exemplary work done in the areas of agriculture and micro irrigation. Mr. Bhaskar rao, MD Kaveri Seeds has also awarded Amit Padma Jagriti Award. Several publications were also released on this occasion. Dr R Jagadeeshwar, Director of Research PJTSAU proposed vote of thanks.