Tomsk State University student from Laos interpreted in online negotiations

Tomsk State University international students took part in international online negotiations between Tomsk and Lao companies specializing in the medicine and food industry. A student of the TSU Faculty of Philology, Phothilat Saipanya, acted as an interpreter.

The meeting was hosted by the Tomsk Region Export Support Center. Students from Laos were invited by the operator of the event, which organizes the interaction of entrepreneurs from the Tomsk Region and the countries of Southeast Asia.

– I have never translated online meetings before. I liked it. It inspired me to continue learning Russian. I got a good experience and I am very proud of it, – said Phothilat Saipanya.

Organizers noted that Phothilat Saipanya proved to be excellent in translating an online conference. They are interested in further collaboration with active students from Laos and in attracting them as potential translators in online negotiations between representatives of Tomsk enterprises and their Lao partners.