University of São Paulo engages high school teachers for an astronomy improvement course


The Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG) at USP is open for registration for the university extension course Astronomy for high school teachers , aimed at teachers from public and private schools. The course is free and held online, and will take place from March 4 to December 11, 2023. The recorded classes will be made available weekly and, in addition, will feature weekly videochats, on Saturdays, lasting for one hour, and monthly virtual meetings, also on Saturdays, from 2 pm to 6 pm.

Among the topics addressed are Telescopes; Radiation and structure of the atom; Rocky planets and the Earth; Dwarf planets, satellites, asteroids and rings; Comets and exoplanets; The formation of planetary systems ‘Life in the Universe’; Dead stars – neutron stars and black holes; Novas, Supernovas and Star Clusters and Populations; between others.

100 vacancies will be offered, with priority given to high school teachers, with academic training in the area of ​​Physics, and subsequently, with training in other areas of the Exact Sciences. Applications will not be accepted from applicants who are currently enrolled in graduate programs, and applications from recipients within the past two years will not be permitted. If there are more than 100 valid registrations, a draw will be held to choose candidates, including for the waiting list (non-attendance at the first virtual meeting characterizes as withdrawal of the vacancy, which will be directed to the waiting list).