University of São Paulo: The phrase “because it’s natural it doesn’t hurt” doesn’t correspond to reality

The use of so-called “natural” products without medical indication is a health risk and can lead to death. People usually go to a natural products store, manipulated or even pharmacies to look for what can help them lose weight, improve their skin, grow hair or minimize their loss without knowing or knowing exactly what is being consumed. Buying is also made easier with online sales. Daniel Demarque, professor at the Department of Pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at USP, recalls that the phrase “because it is natural it does not hurt” does not exist. Poisons and toxic plants are also natural. “When we consume the so-called natural products, we need to keep in mind that these products are not innocuous, that is, although natural, they are chemical products that will have an effect on our body, that our liver needs to metabolize to excrete. Just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it won’t have any risk or will not have any effect on our body.”

Many people have the habit of drinking tea and end up taking the opportunity to take a medicine, but this is a dangerous combination and should be avoided. “Teas often have substances called tannins, which are very common in wines, and these substances can complex with drugs and prevent their absorption.”

Registration with Anvisa
Natural products, even in the form of tea, capsules, containing an extract made from plant material, must be registered with Anvisa, cannot and must not be marketed without control. Its consumption should only be carried out with the guidance of a health professional. Professor Demarque says that “there are herbal medicines, medicines made from plants, which can interact, for example, with contraceptives. St. John’s wort, or Hypericum perforatum , is an herb used in the treatment of anxiety and depression that, when used with contraceptives, reduces its action, allowing the person to become pregnant; ginkgo bilobaherbal medicine, widely used for venous circulation, also helps in cognitive disorders, when used with anticoagulants it can lead to hemorrhagic conditions. These products will have an effect on our body, they will interact with other medications we are going to take, so it is important to seek information from health professionals”.