University of the Highlands and Islands: UHI rated highly in National Student Survey

UHI students have given their university experience the seal of approval in a UK-wide survey. UHI achieved its highest ever ranking for student satisfaction in the 2022 National Student Survey. The results place UHI fourth in Scotland for student satisfaction, above 14 other universities across Scotland.

Conducted annually by Ipsos MORI, the National Student Survey records the satisfaction of final year undergraduate students in all aspects of their experience.

UHI scored higher than the Scottish average in 22 of the 27 questions, with strong results in the teaching, learning opportunities, academic support, organisation and management and student voice categories. Four of UHI’s courses – the applied music BA (Hons), business HND, marine science BSc (Hons) and music business BA (Hons) – received a 100% satisfaction rate and the results for the assessment and feedback category were 16% above the Scottish sectoral average.

Speaking about the results, Dr Iain Morrison, UHI’s dean of student experience, said: “These results from the largest annual survey of UK students provide objective evidence that our distinctive and inclusive model of delivery, using world-class technology and hard-working staff committed to our students’ education and wellbeing, is serving our students well. Our staff continue to deliver top-quality learning and teaching and excellent pastoral care to support the needs of our students.

“Along with our recent excellent Research Excellence Framework results, being so highly placed above many other wonderful Scottish universities in the National Student Survey is further confirmation that UHI really is a great place to study.”

Heather Innes, President of the Highlands and Islands Students’ Association, welcomed the results, saying: “We’re happy to see the results of the National Student Survey and excited about how the data will influence UHI’s continued commitment to innovative education and experience. We’ll be working in partnership with the university to ensure the best future for our students.”