Ural Federal University: 239 Students Received Certificates of Personal Scholarship

Scholarship holders of the President and the Government of Russia, holders of scholarships in priority areas and named scholarships of D.S. Likhachev, E.T. Gaidar and A.I. Solzhenitsyn received certificates at a reception on April 5. Seventeen students were awarded more than four personal scholarships – they were awarded certificates by Victor Koksharov, Rector of UrFU. One student receives six named scholarships at a time, four students receive five scholarships, and 12 students receive four scholarships.

“You are the golden fund of the university. Looking at you, I see what Mikhail Lomonosov had in mind when he said that the Russian land can give birth to its own Platos and quick-witted Newtons. I am sure that this is not your last victory, and you have a lot of prospects ahead of you. The university does everything to give you an excellent start in the future,” noted Victor Koksharov.

239 students and postgraduate students received certificates of scholarship holders. They were awarded and congratulated by institute directors and Ural Federal University Vice-Rector for Research Aleksandr Germanenko.

Only 10 students in the country receive a scholarship named after E.T. Gaidar, one of them is Valeria Malyavina, UrFU student. There are also only 10 students who receive scholarships named after A.I. Solzhenitsyn, two of them are students of the UrFU Ural Humanitarian Institute Aleksey Popovich and Alyona Kalinina. Aleksey Popovich is also one of two D.S. Likhachev scholarship recipients in the country.