Ural Federal University Showcases Outcomes of Development Program Implementation

On December 1, the Ural Federal University presented to the Council of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation the results of the implementation of the development program for 2023 and plans for 2024 and beyond. The members of the Council were also informed about the proposed changes in the development program of UrFU for 2021-2030.

Viktor Koksharov, the rector of UrFU, emphasized that the university is doing everything necessary for the world-class research of scientists, its integration with education and technological entrepreneurship in the interests of the enterprises of the Urals region and the basic industries of Russia. At the same time, more attention is being paid to the training of highly qualified personnel to conduct groundbreaking scientific research and implement innovative projects.

“Our scientists are focused on developing new antiviral drugs, drugs for diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Work on creating promising materials and technologies in the field of hydrogen energy is in full swing. Humanitarians are implementing a promising project related to human well-being in the conditions of digital transformation. The state support under the Priority 2030 program allows the University to successfully transform itself and become even more competitive. At the same time, the university will continue to develop as one of the most powerful research centers in the country,” said the rector of UrFU.

Koksharov added that high-availability technological solutions, as well as world-class technologies themselves (what is in demand by the country’s enterprises today) will be created and implemented at production facilities. The implementation of strategic projects should lead to the market launch of a number of new breakthrough projects and devices.

The composition of participants of the program “Priority-2030” and the size of the grant for 2024 will be determined by the results of the defense of all universities participating in the program.