USP-Escola Meeting has more than 80 activities for primary school teachers

New Delhi: More than 80 activities, including refresher courses, lectures, debates and workshops, in multicultural and interdisciplinary activities will be part of the 20th USP-Escola Meeting , an event that will be held from January 18 to 21, 2021, aimed at public school teachers . The meeting is a partnership between the Association of Teachers of Public Schools and Nonprofit Schools (Apep), the Institute of Physics (IF) and the Faculty of Public Health (FSP), both from USP.
Teachers can register for more than one activity until December 15th using the online form at this link . The confirmation of interest will be carried out between January 1st and 10th and the list of winners will be published on the event page on January 12th. Registrants should consult the event page to verify that they were included in both the first list and the others to be disclosed. In addition to serving to receive the certificate of participation, the form will facilitate the registration of courses by the state and municipal education departments of São Paulo and the approval as a university extension course.
The program will include activities in the morning, afternoon and evening and the full list of activities can be seen on this page . Among the highlights, the course Cecília: A Program for Diffusion and Popularization of Earth and Universe Sciences in Schools will be led by researchers from USP’s Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG). There will also be more than 40 lectures with themes in the various teaching areas, as well as reports of experiences and conversation circles.
About USP-Escola Meeting
Created on the initiative of professors from the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo, within the scope of a program of the Ministry of Education that intended to stimulate the interaction between the university and the school, the USP-Escola Meeting celebrates ten years in this edition.
The meeting takes place every six months, during the January and July vacation period, with free activities that aim to promote the continuing education of Basic Education teachers with refresher courses, lectures, debates and workshops in all areas of knowledge, helping to sharing classroom experiences and the desire to transform the public school.
Apep is gathering experiences from previous meetings and forming a three-volume publication focusing on Education in General, Humanities and Languages and Natural Sciences. For this, it created a crowdfunding project that is available here.