A series of master classes in the Lomonosov gymnasium from teachers of PetrSU

Associate Professor of the Department of German and French Languages ​​E.N. Vorotilina and senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Humanities O.O. Nikolaev conducted a series of master classes Mit freundlichen Grüßen (“With friendly greetings”) for the pupils of the gymnasium. The topic of the master classes was the strategy of writing letters.
Gymnasium students of the seventh and eighth grades, under the guidance of teachers, got acquainted with the history of the origin of the German term “Brief”, structure, architectonics and composition of the text type “personal / private letter”. The lessons were held in the form of continuous interaction in German and Russian. “What can and cannot be told about in a personal letter? How to correctly indicate the address of the sender and recipient? On what paper is it better to draw up your letter”, – such questions were asked by schoolchildren.

In addition, the children were offered game tasks to correlate the individual stages of writing a private letter with the accepted speech formulas in German.