Elementary Sainik Training in Schools compulsory Character Building: Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha

New Delhi: A press conference organized by RASHTRIYA SAINIK SANSTHA took place at The Press Club, New Delhi. The audience was addressed by the National Patron of Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha, Gaurav Senani, Shri Ramesh Agarwal. Speaking on the occasion Ramesh Agarwal quoted, “India is a growing Country and it requires strong characters to fulfill its dreams, character building starts from childhood schooling and therefore, it is necessary to impart at least Elementary Sainik Training in schools.

“A student who has undergone even a symbolic Sainik Training is unlikely to be a part of the violent groups putting the Police Chowk is on fire and will be better equipped in self defence”, added Agarwal.

Devotion to Duty, Discipline, Training and Honesty are a part of the Sainik Character which is why an army of about 14 Lakhs brings any situation under control during a calamity natural or man-made while protecting the entire country.

The National President of Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha and a Veer Chakra awardee Col Tejandra Pal Tyagi brought out that a syllabus for elementary sainik training in schools has already been prepared which includes Patrolling, Ambush, First Aid, Disaster Management, Pollution Control, Sec 51 (A) of the Constitution of India, exposure to Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, freedom struggle etc besides Drills and Physical Training. He further believes tolerance, kindness, pardon, etc. are good to build personal character within the family and society but when it is a matter of security of the nation, the TOLERANCE should be zero. The one way to National Integration and Character Building is to impart at least Elementary Sainik Training in all schools.

Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha is a 20 year old organization of Ex-servicemen and Patriotic Civilians. Maj. Sushil Goel and Rajendra Baggasi stated that “Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha has already run 6 elementary sainik training courses at Muzaffarnagar, Jabalpur and Ghaziabad”. The Sainik Training course was initially undertaken and designed for the unemployed youth. However, the same course can be modified for School Children. Since Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha has an experience in running such courses and has its units across 23 States of the Country, the said proposal can be coordinated by Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha on a Pan India basis.

Shri Ved Prakash, Col. Shailendra, Jolly Khosla, Dr Sapna, Urvashi Walia, Rahul Vij were present during the event, and confirmed that Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha will take a decision to impart Elementary Sainik Training in Schools during its 15th National Convention on 21st March at Sai Auditorium, Lodhi Road, New Delhi which will occur with or without any support from Government or Non-Government agencies.