PetrSU student’s victory in the “Professional Tomorrow” competition

From 15 to 17 December, all universities of the Russian Federation were united by a single inclusive event – the final stage of the III All-Russian network competition of student projects “Professional Tomorrow” with the participation of students with disabilities.
On December 15, Moscow hosted the opening ceremony of the second online stage of the III All-Russian network competition of student projects “Professional Tomorrow” with the participation of students with disabilities and disabilities.
The purpose of the competition is vocational guidance and assistance in the employment of university students in socio-cultural inclusion at the stage of study at the university.

Formation of students’ interest in their future profession, expanding their horizons in the field of their chosen professional activity, stimulating students for further professional development and employment in the chosen direction of training.

In total, more than 450 applications from 133 universities in 115 cities of Russia were submitted for the competition.

At the final stage of the competition, the RUMC of the Northwestern Federal District, ChSU was represented by 20 participants from universities from the assigned territory. These are the students of the Novgorod State University. Yaroslav the Wise, Petrozavodsk State University, Baltic Federal University. Kant, Cherepovets State University, Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Lomonosov, Murmansk Arctic State University. The participants presented their projects in various nominations.

LV Konovalova, Master’s student at the Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences of PetrSU, presented an essay “Why I am a valuable and useful worker: 10 arguments”.

According to the results of the competition, Lilia Konovalova (curator – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Vitaly Mikhailovich Nilov) was awarded a diploma in the nomination “For Charisma”.

The evaluation of the contestants was carried out by an expert commission of 67 experts, which included university employees, practicing experts, representatives of non-profit organizations, specialists from job centers from all over Russia.