Results of the meeting of the scientific section “Landscape architecture and forestry”

At the 72nd All-Russian (with international participation) scientific conference of students and young scientists, the work of the section “Landscape architecture and forestry” was completed.
Within the framework of the 72nd All-Russian (with international participation) scientific conference of students and young scientists at Petrozavodsk State University, the work of the section “Landscape architecture and forestry” (head of the section, associate professor I. Morozova) was completed, in which 21 people took part.

The work of the section was carried out on the Zoom electronic platform.

10 oral reports were presented to the listeners, among whom were students in the areas of training “Landscape architecture”, “Forestry”, “Technological machines and equipment”, members of the jury and teachers of the department of technology and organization of the forestry complex.

A large part of scientific research was devoted to the issues of modern technologies for remote sensing of the earth, 3D-modeling of biological objects, the use of digital terrain models for the design and reconstruction of landscape architecture objects. The conference also presents: complex work of students in the areas of training “Landscape architecture” and “Technological machines and equipment” from the creation of a 3D model of a small architectural form, its manufacture to installation in a skate park in Petrozavodsk and traditionally, projects of landscape planning organization of objects landscape architecture, including for participation in the program “Comfortable urban environment” in the Republic of Karelia and the Murmansk region.

As a result of the section, diplomas of I, II and III degrees were awarded.

The I degree diploma was awarded to Ivan Getmanets, IV year of the Institute of State Pedagogical Sciences, for his report on the topic: “Search for forest felling and automated counting of trees using remote sensing data on the example of Prionezhsky forestry” (scientific supervisor – teacher A. Kabonen). The jury members noted the high professional level of scientific research on this topic.

The II degree diploma was awarded to: Victoria Guseva, IV year of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, for the report on the topic “3D-modeling of biological objects of forestry and gardening and park economies by the method of photogrammetry” (supervisor – teacher A.V. Kabonen) and Daria Egorova, IV course of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences , for the report on the topic: “Landscape planning organization of the territory of the Senatorka Park in Petrozavodsk” (scientific supervisor – teacher AO Ioffe).

The III degree diploma was awarded to: Diana Radikhovskaya, IV course ILGiSN, for a report on “Designing interior landscaping by 3D modeling indoor plants” (supervisor – teacher A.V. Kabonen) and Milena Khaliulina, IV course ILGiSN, for a report on the topic “Inventory of objects of landscape architecture using UAVs on the example of the decorative arboretum of the Botanical Garden of PetrSU” (supervisor – teacher AV Kabonen).

The Department of Technology and Organization of the Forestry Complex congratulates the winners and wishes them further success in their research and design activities.

Summing up the results, the jury members noted the high level of preparation of the reports, the diversity and high-quality study of their topics, their novelty and practical importance.

The abstracts of the conference winner’s report were recommended for publication in the collection of scientific conferences of PetrSU, and the students who took II and III places were invited for publication in the student scientific journal of PetrSU StudArctic forum.